Media Library

Media Captions

What is a caption?
A caption is a brief bit of text displayed beneath an image or video.

"My image library is huge now. How can I organize it?"

If your site is any larger than a few pages and/or you've been very active adding or using existing media, it's quite likely you've found your Media Library content to be growing at a quick pace. It's never a bad idea to consider how your images and files are organized, and you can do that through Taxonomy—before, during, and after you've added them to your site.

Changelog SiteFarm Release 8.2.0

The long-awaited Media Library has arrived! We're pleased to announce the integration of this Drupal Core functionality into the SiteFarm platform and what it means for the future of your sites.

Inserting Links

Create links in your content to pages both inside and outside your site.