Configuring Workflows for your site

Site Managers have the ability to enable and assign the default Editorial workflow to one, several, or all of the Content Types in a site.

  1. Navigate to Manage » Configuration » Workflows section » Workflows.
  2. Locate the existing workflow titled Editorial and click its Edit button.
  3. Scroll down to the section titled "THIS WORKFLOW APPLIES TO:" and click the Content Type's Select button.
    Screenshot of the workflow applies section with the content type option highlighted.
  4. A dialogue window will appear providing you with a list of all available Content Types to which you can assign a workflow. This will also include any custom Content Types added to the site by someone with a Site Builder role. Select one, many, or all, and then click the Save button to close the window.
    Screenshot of the dialog box listing all the available content types you can select in order to assign a specific workflow.
  5. When you are returned to the Workflow page, click its Save button to finish.