
Webform Attachments

What is "Webform Attachments"?

This is an add-on module specifically for the Webform system. It's available, but must be enabled either by a user with the Site Manager/Site Builder role combination or by submitting the Service Request Form and checking the appropriate entry for this feature. The latter option will generate a ticket in ServiceNow and a member of our team will enable this service on your site for you.

Many Happy Returns

Is your webform a little on the long side? Did you already know this and tried breaking it up into sections using the wizard page tool? Do people pack a lunch and block off time on their Outlook calendar when they know they have to submit something on your site? Yeah—maybe give these folks a way to save their spot and come back to it when they have time to finish your form, and let us give you a helping hand to add this feature to your form if it needs it.

Pre-populate a field with the submitter's CAS ID.

You may have any number of reasons why you may need to collect the official Kerberos of CAS ID of the person submitting a webform on your site. It's not immediately obvious how to do it, so let's take a moment to outline the steps.

"My webform submissions keep landing in my Junk folder"

You know you published your webform. You know people are interested in using it. You wait, and wait, and wait some more, and wonder when the submissions will start arriving. At a certain point, it occurs to you to check your Junk folder and—lo and behold!—you have oodles of submissions waiting for you. How can you avoid this annoying frustration and have your webform submissions show up where you expect to see them?

Use Twig to create interactive webform calculations

We recently spoke with Ryan Jones from TAPS goClub group about a fascinating project to show commuters just how much pollution they are individually contributing to the environment. In addition to the eye-opening data it provides, the webform created by Ryan and his colleague Ramon Zavala also provides a perfect example of how you can incorporate calculations into your forms and share them with your users.

Webform Block

The Webform block is a system block (View) that creates a container you can assign to a page region and then select an existing webform to display within that container.

Set up Conditional Email Recipients

If you have multiple departments in your unit, or individuals who provide specialized support, you may want to consider setting up your contact or webforms in such a way that, depending upon which options are selected or completed, the email handlers responsible for sending out the emails will send it to a very specific email account.