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Feb Digital A11y Campaign
Join the Center for Education Effectiveness (CEE) and Information & Educational Technology (IET) on Feb 14, from 12-1PM for:
Alt Tags Discussion
Do you...
- Work with MicroSoft Office and images?
- Work with images on the web or marketing?
- Work with infographics?
- Share memes in course content?
- Have an interest in being an A11y?
If you answered YES to any, please join Zoom ID session: 971 9534 4843 Or use the Zoom link: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97195344843
3 side by side graphics, #1 is 8 digital people with different disabilities interact with each other, #2 is a Valentine’s Day Spending infographic showing 55% participate while 45% don’t. #3 is the success kid meme: Tell me I can’t eat sand, eat sand anyways.