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New and Updated Documentation
- Updated - Text format information has been updated to include the availability of the Insert HTML icon feature for easily embedding iframe tags into the flow of your page while still in the Basic HTML text format.
- New - Insert HTML allows users to include an code snippet directly into the flow of their page content without the need to convert the page's Text Format from Basic to Full HTML. This element has been designed specifically to work with Aggie Video and support playlists from the service. Be aware that code added in this context that is not from Aggie Video is subject to the limitations of what code tags can be used in the Basic HTML format; CSS and JS will be stripped out completely on Save. Consider still using Full HTML embed if these are issues of concern.
- Updated - New feature called Insert HTML added to the WYSIWYG that allows you to embed iframe snippets into the flow of your page's WYSIWYG while still using Basic HTML. Read its entry for more details.
- Updated - URL Embed now includes the ability to insert videos from the Aggie Video service.
- New - A checklist guide for Site Managers looking to complete the essential steps when building a new site.