
CKEditor Enhancements Coming

A bundle of joy is coming your way! A feature request for the ability to highlight text has resulted in the addition of a plug-in bundle that addresses multiple requests. Read on to learn what's coming in our September 13th deployment.

"When I try to edit my page, the WYSIWYG is blank"

Have you had this experience? You click to Edit a page, but when you view the WYSIWYG it's collapsed and empty. Nothing you do allows you to click inside it and it seems like your content is inaccessible. It's all the fault of an image in a feature box on your page. Let's look at how to fix it.

Securing your files

Are you aware that the security you may apply to your site's pages, whether through content type access restrictions or the CAS firewall, does not apply to the documents you associate with them? If search engines keep finding files you want to protect, keep reading to understand why this happens and how to avoid it.

What's in a (site) name?

It's a common point of confusion for people to ask what the difference is between their live site and their * site. This post is all about understanding that, in the end, your site is your site no matter its name, just like Shakespeare intended.