Using the WYSIWYG

The page interface you will most commonly use to input your content is the WYSIWYG, an acronym that stands for "What You See Is What You Get". Here is the WYSIWYG panel you'll see:

Screenshot of the ckeditor WYSIWYG icon bar.

WYSIWYG Icons and their function
Icon ImageDescription
Icon to undo or redo an actionUndo or redo an action
Paragraph style menuApply a semantic Heading level to text
Style menu

Apply one or more Styles to text to create headings, buttons, and lists

  • Apply an Alert style to text
  • Apply a Button style to linked text. Note multiple styles may need to be selected in order for it to display the way you want.
Icon to make content boldHighlight text and click the B icon to make it bold
Icon to create italicized textHighlight text and click the I icon to make it italic
Icon remove format

Removes formatting (bold, italics, hyperlinks, etc) from content

Text Extras menu

Text Extras menu which includes:

  • Strikethrough text format - Strikethrough text format
  • Text alignment - Text alignment, left, right, and center
  • Subscript - Subscript
  • Superscript - Superscript
  • Indent and Outdent - Indent will move the paragraph inward to the right one tab space, while Outdent will move the text outward to the left one tab space until it hits the content margin edge
Link icon

Insert links to internal or external content, email addresses, anchor points and more.

  • Remove link icon - Click the link you embedded to reveal a submenu that allows you to edit the link or delete it
Insert anchor pointInsert and link to anchor points
Insert bullet listInsert bulleted list - (Fixing spaces that show up in your lists)
Icon numbered listInsert numeric list - (Fixing spaces that show up in your lists).
Numbered lists submenu with additional options - Users can set the "Start at" number and choose to reverse the count order.
Insert media itemInsert from Media Library into the WYSIWYG region.
URL embedInsert media via a URL, such as a YouTube or Aggie video
Widget Block Options

Widget menu. Use this drop-down menu to access the following features:

  • Layout Columns icon available from the Widgets menu in the WYSIWYG bar. - Layout Columns widget - Allows users to create in-body layout options with from 1-4 columns with a variety of margins, spacing, and styles.
  • Icon media link - Teaser Link Box - creates a clickable area that can include an image, caption, title, and text to link to internal pages or to external sites
  • Icon feature blockFeature Box - Provides a formatted title and text area to spotlight and feature a segment of content in your body text
Icon insert fileInsert file documents, such as .doc, .xsl, .pdf, etc.
Icon horizontal ruleHorizontal line break
Icon pull quotesPull Quotes - Apply the blockquote style to your highlighted text
Icon code formattingCode formatting
Show more menu options

The Show More section includes the following feature options:

  • Icon special charactersSpecial Characters - WYSIWYG characters, special unicodes for subscripts, superscripts, and how to include proper accents
  • Footnote icon represented by the letter 'a' with a superscript '1' after it denoting the footnote marker. - Footnotes - insert a footnote or citation to create an automatically styled and positioned footnote at the bottom of your page.
  • Insert code block icon - Insert code block
  • Source code icon - View WYSIWYG area source code. Uncheck the Source button to return to your regular Editing view.