The Brand textbox is a basic textbox with a selection of four possible background colors based on the official branding colors. All WYSIWYG features can be used in the box as a way to emphasize specific content.
Create a Brand textbox
- From your WYSIWYG icon bar, click on the down arrow for the Widget icon, and select the Brand textbox icon, represented by the square with the pen inside.
- A colored box will appear with a field for text. The widget's contextual menu will offer following background color options:
- Wonder blue
- Aggie Blue 50%
- Aggie Gold 50%
- Centennial Walk Gray
- Select your preferred background color.
- Enter your content in the box and then scroll down and click the Save button to finish.
Wonder Blue textbox
- A bullet point
- A bullet point
- A bullet point

Aggie Blue 50% textbox
- A bullet point
- A bullet point
- A bullet point

Aggie Gold 50% textbox
- A bullet point
- A bullet point
- A bullet point

Centennial Walk Gray textbox
- A bullet point
- A bullet point
- A bullet point