New and Updated

Title Details Date Changed
Modifying existing users Updated - Now includes information that clarifies the purpose of the Authenticated role, which is for read-only purposes.
Using the WYSIWYG Updated - As "Clear formatting" only removes the formatting and not the extraneous code behind the scenes, we've added an article that shows the steps for preparing a MS Word document to allow you to create a clean copy and paste for your SiteFarm page under "Copy and Paste Cleanly from MS Word to SiteFarm".
Styling a button link Updated - The button style documentation now clarifies how styles should be applied due to the changes in the upgrade from CKEditor 4 to 5. Users will now need to potentially select two style options to get the display type desired.
Duplicating Blocks and Pages using Entity Clone Updated - Clarified that when cloning a content type with associated references, such as taxonomy terms, those terms will also be cloned. Please clone responsibly.
Subthemes moving from Snowpack to Vite New - Instructions for updating your subtheme to move from Snowpack to Vite.
Adding users to your site Updated - All users who are responsible for adding content are required to complete the campus mandated WEB ACCESSIBILITY TRAINING FOR SITEFARM provided by LMS. Supervisors will also need to assign this training to their users via the LMS. People with only the Authenticated user role are exempt as this role is read-only, and does not permit editing or configuration permissions.
Prepping images Updated - To assist in managing space and processing resources, you should crop or resize your image's pixel dimensions to a maximum of 2000x2000. Overages may result in an image's failure to upload to or display on your site.
Matrix of Roles and Permissions Updated - Long overdue addition of Webform roles and permissions matrix details.
Feature Box Updated - The Feature Box documentation now includes a sidebar with link to the blog post "When I try to edit my page, the WYSIWYG is blank". This is the fix solution if an image was inserted in a Feature Box prior to the CKEditor 5 upgrade.
Core Version Requirements Details New - Reference documentation for subthemers that outlines what core version numbers SiteFarm is currently using.
How to publish your site to the web Updated - Though previously inferred, Step 3 has been updated to explicitly state that SiteFarm only supports * namespaces. Domains ending in other domain suffixes (.org, .com, etc.) aren't eligible for use with our platform.
"Why and how did my user's account status change?" New - Our programmatic tie-in to the campus' Identity Access Management service means that user accounts will be blocked if they ever separate from UC Davis. This tie-in also leverages the IAM service to support the campus' Gender Recognition & Lived Name Initiative when Site Managers create an account based on the user's Kerberos ID information.
Media Captions Updated - now shows the updated method of adding captions to media via CKEditor 5. Please note that our custom feature to auto-populate the Caption field with the caption info you may have added to an image when uploading it to your Media Library no longer functions in CKEditor 5. We're attempting to bring this feature back, but thus far it's proving complicated. Please follow the suggested workaround as the new default process.
Internal Redirects Updated - When creating redirects, please do not redirect images, especially if found listed in the 404 list and/or begin with the pathway "sites/g".