New and Updated

Title Details Date Changed
Limiting a user to a specific page New - Instructions for quickly assigning a person to a single piece of content, such as a Person profile, as a restricted user with the Contributor role.
Video Training Updated - SiteFarm has moved its video library from Vimeo to Aggie Video. Links now point to our new playlist, the first video "Logging into SiteFarm" includes a side panel with the other videos in the list. We note that the videos are old and overdue for an update. This is on our list of tasks for the first half of 2025.
Text Highlighter New - The text highlighter feature is available from your WYSIWYG's Text Extras submenu.
Using the WYSIWYG Updated - Now includes links to new documentation for Alert Messages and Brand Textboxes
Brand textbox New - A Brand Textbox with four default background colors for your offset needs.
Alert Message box New - An alert message system specifically designed for the purpose and with accessibility in mind.
SiteFarm Local Development and Subtheming New - Our instructions for subtheming your site have been completely overhauled. As the video series is now out-of-date, they have been removed pending a re-recording.
Migrating a list of people using a CSV file Updated - The pathway to the example people.csv file has changed to /profiles/sitefarm/tests/cypress/fixtures/files/people.csv.
Subthemes moving from Snowpack to Vite New - Instructions for updating your subtheme to move from Snowpack to Vite.
Article content type Updated - Users should be aware that the article's Scheduler feature require that the site have a live domain name, and that as of September 9, 2024, the chron will run every hour on the hour, but content can take as long as 15 minutes to display.
Web Accessibility Training FAQ New - A helpful new FAQ to help you navigate the upcoming Web Accessibility Training requirements.
Modifying existing users Updated - Now includes information that clarifies the purpose of the Authenticated role, which is for read-only purposes.
Styling a button link Updated - The button style documentation now clarifies how styles should be applied due to the changes in the upgrade from CKEditor 4 to 5. Users will now need to potentially select two style options to get the display type desired.
Duplicating Blocks and Pages using Entity Clone Updated - Clarified that when cloning a content type with associated references, such as taxonomy terms, those terms will also be cloned. Please clone responsibly.
Adding users to your site Updated - All users who are responsible for adding content are required to complete the campus mandated WEB ACCESSIBILITY TRAINING FOR SITEFARM provided by LMS. Supervisors will also need to assign this training to their users via the LMS. People with only the Authenticated user role are exempt as this role is read-only, and does not permit editing or configuration permissions.