Web Accessibility Training FAQ

  • What is the new web accessibility training requirement at UC Davis?  
  • Starting in 2024, extensive new web accessibility training is required for content editors of UC Davis websites.  The training modules are available through the UC Learning Center.  

    The web accessibility training for website editors is part of a broader accessibility program currently underway at UC Davis. The training is required as part of the university’s current compliance obligations.  
  • What are the training modules?
  • The new UC Davis web accessibility training for SiteFarm is now available in the UC Learning Center (login required). The training consists of 11 modules, of which one is required and should take about 45 minutes to complete. The remaining ten are recommended but not required and should take a total of 3 hours to complete.
    » Introduction to Web Accessibility (required)
    » Accessibility Fundamentals for the Web – Module 1 
    » Accessibility Fundamentals for the Web – Module 2 
    » Accessibility Fundamentals for the Web – Module 3 
    » Accessible document – Accessibility and Documents 
    » Accessible Documents – Creating Accessible Content in Documents 
    » Accessible Documents – Software Considerations 
    » Accessible Multimedia – Intro to Accessible Multimedia 
    » Accessible Multimedia – Additional Multimedia Requirements 
    » Accessible Multimedia – Transcripts, Captions, and Descriptions 
    » Fundamentals of Alt Text 
  • Who is required to take this training?
  • Anyone with content publishing responsibilities in the UC Davis web domain is required to take this training. This includes:  
     » Those with publishing access in SiteFarm.  
     » Users of SiteImprove, the website optimization tool.  
    This requirement includes anyone with the “Contributor” role if they can publish content, not just edit content.
  • When will the training be available?
  • The training will be available in August 2024.
  • What is the deadline to complete the training?
  • The training should be completed by December 31, 2024.
  • Why is this training necessary?
  • The web accessibility training ensures that content published on UC Davis websites meets the latest ADA Title II requirements and state anti-discrimination laws. It is also a compliance requirement following a recent accessibility audit. 
    These required learning modules:
     » Provide a benchmark for advancing accessible web content at UC Davis.
     » Ensure content published on UC Davis websites meets the latest accessibility standards and by extension, will be accessible to a broader number of students, faculty, and staff.  
     » Re-affirm our commitment to student success and to an inclusive and equitable experience for all members of the campus community.
     » Strengthen UC Davis’s pledge to digital equity and inclusion.
    In addition, a robust accessibility training program avoids legal repercussions such as the Berkeley Consent Decree. 
  • Is the training mandatory?
  • Yes, the training is required but it is not connected to the performance evaluation cycle. Out of 11 modules, one is required and ten are recommended. 
  • How long is the training?
  • » The training consists of one required module, Introduction to Web Accessibility, for content editors with publishing ability in SiteFarm. The required training module should take approximately 45 minutes to complete.
    » A further ten modules are strongly recommended. The entire training program should take approximately 3 hours to complete. 
  • How will the training be enforced?
  • At this time, compliance will be tracked on an honor system. Once the campus-wide accessibility program is established, updates will be provided. 
  • Does this apply to websites outside SiteFarm?
  • Not at this time.
  • Is this a recurring training?
  • This is a one-time training requirement at this time.
  • Where do I go for help?
  • For SiteFarm questions, contact the SiteFarm team at sitefarm@ucdavis.edu.  
    For accessibility training questions, contact Learning and Organizational Development 
  • How do I get a list of SiteFarm users in my unit?
  • Please contact your Technical Unit Information Security Lead (T-UISL). List of UISLs can be found here: https://iet.ucdavis.edu/unit-information-security-leads
  • Does this training apply to faculty?
  • Yes, since this is a legal and regulatory requirement, faculty with publishing rights to SiteFarm websites are required to take the training.