Adding users to your site

Use your admin panel to navigate to Manage » People
Person button located on the admin panel

Add UC Davis users:

  1. Click on the + Add CAS user(s) button.
    Add a single user or multiple users during your account creation process.

  2. In the CAS username(s) field enter in the CAS (aka Kerberos, aka Login) ID of each person you want to provide the same type of role to, one ID per line.
  3. Email address
    Enter in the email field
  4. Select the Role you want to assign to your user(s) from the checkbox list.
    • Contributor
      • Section Editor (only available if the SiteFarm Advanced Access module is enabled and ONLY works if assigned WITH the Contributor role)
    • Editor (already includes Contributor access)
    • Site Manager (already includes Contributor and Editor access)
      The list proceeds from the least level of access at the top and gradually increases for each subsequent role. "Stacking" roles isn't necessary. If you initially assign someone as a Contributor and then realize you need to expand their access, uncheck the Contributor box and assign the new role level.  If you would like to review each role's permissions, take a look at the Roles and Permissions Matrix.
  5. Your result will resemble this example output:
    Example of three user IDs, each other their own line, and all of them assigned the same role type.
  6. Click the Create new accounts button to finish. The programmatic ties to campus services will then populate the users' preferred Lived Name and email address information from the campus directory system into their accounts.