
Tracking Drupal Roles from Google Analytics

Roles are tracked by default

Out of the box, the user roles you assign to people are tracked by Google Analytics as a default setting. It's understandable if you have concerns over how this might affect your site's web traffic numbers, so if reviewing your analytics on a regular basis is an important part of maintaining your web presence, we'll show you how to hide user roles from Google.

Node View Permissions

To use this feature you must have both the Site Manager and Site Builder roles. What is Node View Permissions?

This module provides a simple means to control view access, by role, of your custom content types. It allows two permissions:

  1. View any content
  2. View own content

How you might use the Node View Permissions module

Intranet: Register non-UC Davis users with moderated approval

We had a recent request asking how a SiteFarm client could set up their site for visitors outside UC Davis, but restrict their access pending a Site Manager's ability to approve the account. It posed an interesting use case and touches on similar requests we've received in the past. Here's a formal breakdown of the steps we took to create a self-registering intranet with manager approval.

Should you be a Site Builder?

Let's look at a scenario. You've been working on your site for a month or two now, and you feel like you've mastered the basics—all the topics in the Training » For everyone and » For managers sections are familiar to you. Now, you find yourself looking critically at your site and thinking, "I feel like I should be able to do more with this." How you define more is the beginning of the discussion of whether or not you should consider becoming a Site Builder.

"How do I help my intranet users log out of the site?"

For security reasons, you may have recommended to your users that they log off the site when they’re done. Your users want to comply because there’s sensitive or confidential information in the site, but, since they can't see the Logout option in the admin panel as Authenticated Users, here are instructions on how to help them.

Adding users to your site

Updated - All users who are responsible for adding content are required to complete the campus mandated WEB ACCESSIBILITY TRAINING FOR SITEFARM provided by LMS. Supervisors will also need to assign this training to their users via the LMS. People with only the Authenticated user role are exempt as this role is read-only, and does not permit editing or configuration permissions.