Configuring your Webform

  1. Using your admin panel navigate to Manage » Structure » Webforms.
  2. From the list, find your form and click on its corresponding Edit button.
  3. Beneath the Edit tab, you will see a series of additional options, including Elements, Source (YAML), Settings, CSS/JS, Access, Email/Handlers, and Third Party. Click on Settings to continue.

In the Settings section you'll have the ability to set the following:

General Settings

  • Title - Though you have set it previously when the form was created, you can update that title as necessary
  • Administrative description - a description of the site for your internal use only
  • Allow this webform to be used as a template - checkbox; this option allows you to use this form as the basis to create new ones, speeding up the creation process
  • Disable saving of submissions - not recommended

URL Path Settings

The default behavior will mean that your Webform is presented as its own page node, complete with a navigable URL. If you uncheck the button, your form will need to be attached to a content type node or a block in order for people to use it.
Webform URL alias - leave blank if you want the system to generate the URL for you, or else use this field to create your own pathway.

  • Confirmation page URL alias - If your confirmation message is set to appear on a new page, you can provide a unique URL pathway if you wish, otherwise leave blank to allow the system to create this for you.

Webform Settings

  • Webform status - Open means the form is active and available, closed means the form cannot be used but is still stored in the site.
  • Webform closed message
  • Webform exception message - recommended; if your forms break it provides an improved user experience if you include contact information if the submitter encounters a problem.

Webform Submit Button

Unless you are an advanced user, we recommend using "Warn users about unsaved changes" and "Autofocus" if you decide to use any of these button settings at all.

Form Attributes

This section uses CSS, which is a custom sub-theming choice and not supported by SiteFarm.

Wizard Settings

If your form is long enough that you want to break it into sections, the use of a progress wizard will make more sense. You can give your visitors a progress report and forward and back buttons to navigate through your form.

Preview Settings

The default is set to Disabled, but you can make it possible for a visitor to review their content before submitting.

Draft Settings

Allow your users to save and finish the form at a later time. Note, this is only available if the Webform has been set as a CAS-protected node by a Site Manager.

Confirmation Settings

Webforms allow you to select how your visitor will experience the end process of their Webform experience. You can display a confirmation message on a new page, inline on the same form, as a message the reloads on the current page, a custom URL pathway.