CAS Login Behavior


As a matter of security, all SiteFarm sites require the use of a Kerberos ID and password, along with multi-factor authentication via Duo once the site has gone live and been successfully enrolled with the CAS Service Registry as part of the site launch checklist. The login process is controlled by the CAS module installed on all SiteFarm sites, which "talks" to other campus systems to verify and authenticate the validity of a user account during login.

Default Login Behavior

By design, once a user has successfully authenticated using the .../login pathway at the end of the site domain, the user will always find themselves directed to the site's homepage, as denoted by the path appended to the URL:


Alternative option

In some instances, you may want users brought to a different specific page on your site instead of the homepage. Perhaps you have an intranet or there's an information page you want your content editors to see before getting started. 

  1. Create a new link, either in your Main Menu or as a piece of text in a WYSIWYG.
  2. When writing the link append /cas?destination=/path/to/landing/page after the page.
  3. Save the page, block, or menu link and test in an incognito window.


"Can I keep users on the same page they're viewing when they log in?"

No, that isn't an option that's currently available, but if this is of pressing concern, you can always submit this as a feature request for our team to review for inclusion.
