Event Date
Learn the basics of Vue.js and how it can be leveraged to create dynamic blocks in SiteFarm. In addition, we will cover how to expose SiteFarm data via JsonAPI so that it can be pulled into an external application or another SiteFarm site.

Mark Miller
Leader SiteFarm developer and member of IET's Professional Service's unit.
Welcome Developers
If you write code for UC Davis full-time, part-time, on-contract, or even as an unofficial part of your job, this website may be of help to you.
This is the site of the UCD Application Developer’s SIG (Special Interest Group), a self-organized community group of UCD staff aiming to share knowledge and build community.
We have a publicly available Getting Started guide which contains useful information for developing at UC Davis. We also maintain a list of Subject Matter Experts in various technologies. Please feel free to contact them should you need assistance.
We hold open, public meetings on the second Tuesday of every month where volunteers present new technologies, explain campus technology changes, and more. Please attend if it sounds interesting to you. The notes from each meeting are available here as well.