- Click on your profile name located in the upper bar of the admin panel.
- From its submenu, click on Edit profile.
- As your account is CAS-based and uses your campus Kerberos ID and password, you won't need to create a separate account for your SiteFarm site. Regions on this page you may want to customize include:
- Email address - if you should need to update your email address to reflect an update to your campus email address, you can do that in this field.
- User Name - this is how your name will be displayed on your site when you're listed as the author of the content.
- Contact settings - it's possible for every site user to have a contact form on the site that will submit to them alone.
- Click the Save button to finish.
Account vs. Profile
NOTE: Please be aware that your user account is not the same thing as a person profile.
Accounts are based on your Kerberos ID and password and grant you, the user, the ability to create content inside of SiteFarm.
Profiles are pieces of content created by a user and displayed as pages on your live SiteFarm site, usually in association with a people directory or as an author or speaker profile attached to a news article or event, respectively.