FAQ list style

FAQ lists include a question/answer matrix based on an underlying bullet list. You can create one using these steps:

  1. Click on the bullet list icon and begin typing the text that represents the Question portion of your entry.
  2. Once you reach the end of your Question text use the Styles menu in your icon bar and select the FAQ List style.
  3. You will see a prompt in red text reading, "Please add an Answer to this question." Click your Enter or Return key to move to the next line and enter the Answer for your Question.
  4. You can add line breaks by pressing "Shift+Enter" on your keyboard.
Rules for using the FAQ List style
  1. Press 'Shift+Enter' to insert line breaks between paragraphs. If you hit Enter or Return alone, it will introduce a paragraph tag and this will break the FAQ.
  2. We recommend using this style for simple, regular text only. The update from CKEditor 4 to 5 (the WYSIWYG text editor) appears to allow additional elements from the icon bar (code, code block, images), but test thoroughly as it's possible these could still break your page if used.
  3. Bold, italic, strikethrough, links to internal or external content, anchor points, and links to documents work with no issues. 
  4. This feature is intended for short snippets of content preferably about a paragraph or so in length. Anything longer than that should not use the FAQ list and should be added to the page in a standard way or, given the length, given a page of its own.

Demo Output

  • How do I create an FAQ list?
  • See the steps above.
  • Click on me to expand and see the answer
  • Second answer.