Migration Management Actions

Actions List

The list of available actions is located beneath the Overview of Migrations table via a drop-down menu. The following actions can be taken on your batch list:

  • Run Import: Start the import. When the import was already done, this will only import new items
  • Update: The update option will override all changes to the imported entities and resets then to how they appear in the CSV file. If any changes have to be applied to existing items, roll back the migrations, and start over with a new file.
  • Rollback: Rollback the import. This will delete all items that were imported. Use this to undo an import completely
  • Reset Status: It might happen a migration gets stuck on "Importing" or "Rolling back" (when closing the browser window, or when an error occurs). Use this to reset the migration back to "Idle"
  • Delete migration: Delete the migration. This will NOT delete the imported items. Use when all items are imported successfully and there is no need to rollback in the future.
