a distant view of a mouse device sitting next to a laptop

Sprint #23 Complete

The changes accomplished during this latest sprint have been merged to our test environment for review and will shortly be uploaded into the SiteFarm service for your use, likely within a week. As usual, where appropriate, documentation will be added to the Training section of the site.

  • RSS Feeds - RSS feed options have been built out, tested, and validated for correct structure. Users will note the presence of RSS feed availability by the RSS icon located in the lower left corner of a page.
  • Photo Gallery access to Editors - during a demo session we discovered the Editor role couldn't access this Content Type. The Permissions matrix has been adjusted to include access to this node type.
  • Person Tab - add a user profile - From the All content screen's Person tab, users will find a new + Add Person button that will allow easy access to creating new person profiles.
  • Custom new user message options - site managers will now be given the opportunity to craft a welcome notification message to new users that will include a proper link to your SiteFarm site (http://yoursitename.ucdsitefarm.acsitefactory.com/login).
  • Upcoming:
    • Demo interface for those who "just want to see what SiteFarm is like."
    • Publications Content Type
    • Accessibility evaluation of SiteFarm for improved access for all our users and guests
    • (over time) solid color themes; note, this will be a slow development over the course of the next six to twelve months releasing one theme palette at a time once the team is confident with its design

Feature requests delivered

  • Person directory pagination - the pagination feature at the bottom of the directory was found to be too simplistic and inefficient for real use, especially when a site has more than four pages worth of profiles. The pagination system has been revised and, once deployed, will take immediate affect on all sites across the service. 
  • Custom Webform validation options - after review, the team has determined that, where built-in validation isn't available or stricter options are required, documentation on understanding regular expressions or 'regex' is the advised route. Documentation.
  • Quick links - refinements to the quick links block (the block is optional and situated in the upper right corner above the primary navigation bar) to allow your three preferred highlighted links and a list of links below. 

Feature requests reviewed for development

  • Cross-posting to social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter on publish - third party tools and services that will utilize SiteFarm's RSS output are the recommended path. To help facilitate this need, the SiteFarm team will assemble documentation.
  • Instagram icon update - the latest official version of the Instagram icon will be installed for SiteFarm use.
  • Allow for vertical text alignment in the Hero block

Primary Category