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Sprint #32 Complete

At this stage of development, our changes are being gathered into one update that will comprise the upcoming SiteFarm v.8.2 release scheduled for this summer.

  • Migration - The migration tools project has reached its final development section focusing on the inclusion of image gallery blocks. We're beginning the process of writing tests to spot broken code or points of weakness that need further review. We are anticipating, roughly, to be ready in about 6-8 weeks, the final portion of which will be devoted to writing documentation and finishing load tests to provide some indication of how long users can expect the process to take depending on the size of the site.
  • Site managers will be able to set their site configuration User Account settings to send a notification email, by default, to any new user created.
Update - Social Media Feed block

A previous request was submitted for a way to incorporate social media feeds from third-party services like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Upon researching the feasibility we discovered very little work has been done in the Drupal community toward a contributed module we could use that would meet your needs as well as address security concerns we would want to be addressed before adding to SiteFarm. Given the development time such a project would require, we're currently pushing this request to our next release phase of SiteFarm v8.3 and we will review the request again at that time to see what progress may have been made in the Drupal community and what our workload might allow for an in-house effort for a project with such a large scope. A further update will follow at that time.

  • Teaser box link - currently, when hovered over, the title stays the color white, which makes it unreadable against the pale yellow background. This will be adjusted to meet accessibility and user experience guidelines.

Feature requests delivered
  • Middle name/initial will be included in the Person pages
  • Related Gallery option added to the Event content type
  • Article Posted by longer names will now display properly instead of being cut off after a certain preset character length.
Feature requests reviewed for development
  • Names and credentials on Person pages will be properly styled to include a comma separator between the name and degree(s). Example: John Smith, Ph.D.
  • Accordion lists - a new list style will be added to the WYSIWYG style menu allowing users to create basic accordion lists. Please note this is for text content only; adding in any other types of content, such as images, may cause unexpected or broken output.

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