Deleting pages

Deleting pages in Drupal is permanent. We have methods for recovery, but it's better to act as though you might someday want it back rather than delete the content outright.

Once a content node is created you have a couple of ways to delete it:

RECOMMENDED Method 1: Archive the page

Even if you're convinced you'll never need the content again, consider Archiving it instead as an insurance policy.

  1. If it isn't already enabled, ask your Site Manager to enable the Workflows and Content Moderation module. (Documentation for everyone and for site managers)
  2. Edit the page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Archived from the Change to dropdown menu.
  4. Click Save to finish.
If you're deleting the page for security or legal reasons, or to remove information with out-of-date health information, please proceed to Methods 2 or 3 for a permanent result.
Method 2: Within the pageview
  1. Under the page title and breadcrumbs you will see three tabs; View, Edit, and Delete. Click on the Delete tab.
  2. Click Delete on the next screen to confirm your action. 
Note: Deleting any content is permanent and you will not be able to recover it. 

Method 3:  All Content screen

  1. Navigate to Shortcuts » All content or Manage » Content.
  2. Locate your content node in the list of all your content. Under the Operations column, click on the Edit button's down arrow to reveal the rest of the submenu. Click the Delete option to permanently delete this piece of content.