New feature request tool in SiteFarm
SiteFarm is Receptive to your ideas!
One of the things we love about working with all of you is your interest in seeing SiteFarm improve and grow. Many of you have offered ideas that have been instrumental to our development path and overall vision for the future.
We want to make it even easier for you to get involved. SiteFarm has started a one-year pilot program with a tool called Receptive.io to improve and streamline communications between our user community members and the SiteFarm team. This third-party service specializes in providing a portal for clients to more effectively share ideas, discuss them as a community, vote on them, and the development team to evaluate the ideas, and then update clients on each suggestion’s progress through the roadmap, development, and release cycle with greater transparency.

Who is eligible to use Receptive?
Initially, access to Receptive is limited to already established members of the Client Group List who will receive a separate email containing steps for accessing Receptive. If your group needs to expand or update its member list, individuals added must be a faculty or staff member possessing a Site Manager role; due to FERPA requirements, we cannot include students or student-employees at this time. Students and anyone with Editor or Contributor roles will need to share their ideas through their eligible Site Manager.
Site Managers not in the Client Group List can submit a Receptive account request form to be added to the account waitlist if you would like to be added at a future date after a preliminary period of working with our phase I group.
You’ll be able to:
- Make feature requests
- Join discussions with other SiteFarm users about specific feature requests
- Vote on and prioritize feature requests
- Keep up-to-date on our work with our Roadmap, What’s Coming, and Releases pages in Receptive
We’ve created documentation to help you familiarize yourself with the features. We look forward to hearing from you, but if you have any questions.