Laptop screen with programming code displayed on its screen.

Sprint #21 Complete

The changes accomplished during this latest sprint have been merged to our test environment for review and will shortly be uploaded into the SiteFarm service for your use.

  • Trumba module is still in development.
  • Feature requests delivered
    • Person content admin interface - a new admin interface is being added to the All content page, located in a People tab. This will isolate any Person content types into its own list for easier management of directory content, especially geared towards units with larger numbers of staff, faculty, and students. In the future, a button for + Add Person will be included for even more efficient content creation.
    • Photo Gallery slider - requested by units whose sites include a strong reliance on visual media to present relevant content to their audiences. - documentation
    • RSS Feed - documentation
  • Bug Fixes
    • Hero banner - when viewed on large screens it was discovered the hero banner was incorrectly positioned.
    • Social Media Links block - fixed the problem with the block disappearing
    • Footer credits logo - fixed problem with the logo not showing up and/or reverting to the default SiteFarm footer logo instead of the client's preferred logo
    • Far right column block width is different than the rest - fixed, the column widths are now even for better aesthetics

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