SiteFarm 6.0.0

Changelog SiteFarm 6.0.0 Released

This latest release of SiteFarm 6.0.0 comes with several high-impact updates and features to create added value for your sites, including Google Custom Search and the UC System's SiteImprove plugin for improving SEO, content quality, and accessibility compliance.

Print CSS

What is this?

Print.css is an optional feature a Site Manager can opt to use that will strip away unnecessary elements in your page in the event someone would like to print it out. Additionally, certain elements have been simplified to reduce ink usage.

Google Custom Search

What is this?

This is a module integration with third-party service, Google, utilizing their custom search appliance. It brings you the following benefits:

Footnotes & Citations

To assist users in providing more appropriate academic-style footnotes and citations, our WYSIWYG icon offerings have been expanded to include a footnote icon: 

URL Alias (aka Path Settings)

Name change

Drupal 8.6 introduced a change to this section of the site, changing it from URL Path Settings to URL Alias. Our documentation has been updated accordingly.

What is a URL Alias?

The URL alias is the path a browser will follow in your site's domain hierarchy to find a specific piece of content.