Understanding Content Types

A content type:

  • represents content of a specific type, like a blog, a news piece, an event
  • is a collection of form fields and settings you can configure that, when saved and published, turns into a web page. This is also known as a node in Drupal-speak.
  • contains information in the fields you fill in that can be used by Views. A View is a component whose settings are instructed to look for specific criteria to display on your site in a list format. Your site comes with already created Views like the main news or blog pages, events list, person directories or image galleries.

Current list of content types available in SiteFarm


Articles are generally used for information that is updated more frequently and often cross-referenced and categorized (such as news items or resources). By default, Articles are sorted with the most recent post at the top.

Basic page

The Basic page content type is used for static content that can (but are not required to) be linked into the main navigation bar. This is one of the most "basic" content types and can be very flexible.

Person page

The Person page content type is specifically for person profiles. This can include not only students, staff, and faculty, but also individuals who are the focus of events or news articles in your site, thus allowing you to link their person page to the related content.

Event page

The Event page content type is a simple variation on an Event notice. A event listing will dynamically appear in your site if you decide to create any Event pages. Person pages can be attached to this content type. This is a simple event listing solution so, if you need something more robust, users are welcome to include the campus' Trumba system instead.

Image gallery page

The Image gallery content type will allow you to display collections and albums of images.