SiteFarm 6.1.0 Released
A minor release containing several bug fixes, small upgrades, and Drupal-released security patches. If any of these changes fail to display/work for you, please clear both your browser's cache/history and your site's cache.
New Features
- Past Events / Event Archives view is now available - A link to a View displaying expired event content It will show by default in brand new sites. Site Managers who would like to include this feature in existing sites can do so by creating a main menu link pointing to ‘/events-archive’ pathway.
- Person References - users can now associate a Person page with a Basic Page under the Additional Options » Related Content section. Documentation.
- Receptive widget - a link has been added to the admin toolbar allowing users with Receptive.io accounts to submit feature requests to our new feedback/request system. Documentation.
- Entity Clone - pages and blocks, now considered "entities" by the Drupal community, can be duplicated. This module can be enabled by Site Builders and the permissions will automatically be assigned or you can submit the Service Request Form to request it be added to your site(s). Documentation.
Bug Fixes
- Taxonomy Term Page RSS Links - The URL for Taxonomy term RSS feeds were reported as providing broken links, excluding the /news or /blog URL alias pathways. This has been fixed to include the necessary sections to correct the malformed links.
- Teaser Link Box link redirects - If the page a Teaser Link Box link points to updates its URL pathway, a redirect will now automatically be added so the Link Box’s link won’t break or direct to a 404.
- Related Content Block Duplications - The related content block no longer shows content twice when the currently viewed page shares more than one of the same tag with the related pages.
- Multilingual Duplications - Sites using Multilingual features will no longer list the same article in every language the site is designed to show; instead, the system will detect the user’s language preferences to filter content to the single designed language for display purposes.