Prepping images

We recommend you prepare your images before you upload them to your site in order to maximize their quality and functionality.

SiteFarm does not include any image editing tools, so it will be necessary to either acquire software like Photoshop or else find free resources on the internet, like the open-source image editing app called GIMP, to make any necessary adjustments to your images. You can google for various tutorials on preparing images for websites.

Image file types allowed in SiteFarm:

  • Images
    • .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif
  • SVG

Dots per square inch (dpi): 72dpi
Maximum file size: 3MB
Maximum pixel size: 2000x2000

Recommended Image Dimensions 

See all image dimensions listed in our SiteFarm Patternlab

Image Dimensions Matrix
Image TypeDimensions
(width x height in pixels)
Hero banner
*available with the new redesign in July '21
Title banner/Basic page primary image2000x460
Person profile image520x580
Focal link block image63x63
Marketing Highlight block image640x480
Focus Box block image1000x380
Article body images640x480
Article primary images1280x720
Content type primary images1280x720
Event body images640x480
Person body (bio) images520x580
Slideshow images1000x563
Photo gallery landing page images1280x720
Photo gallery album thumbnails352x198