Porting your data using Vue.js and Progressively Decoupled Blocks
Mark Miller, one of our leader SiteFarm developers, presented at the Application Developers' Group meeting in June and shared a method for sharing or importing data from an external database or site (SiteFarm or otherwise) into a SiteFarm site using VueJS and Progressively Decoupled Blocks. This material is suitable for Site Builder developers.
Mark's presentation begins at the 2:49 minute mark.
Helpful Links from the Presentation
Codepen.io Vue example
Learn Vue
- Official Guide
- https://www.vuemastery.com
- https://laracasts.com/series/learn-vue-2-step-by-step
- Lynda.com
Vue Tooling
Vue Core Libraries
- Style Guide
- Cookbook
- Vue Curated
- Awesome Vue
- Vuetify (Material Design component library)
- Nuxt.js - server rendered or static applications
- VuePress - static site generator
- NativeScript - native mobile apps