- Go to the Basic Site Settings page and review/update:
- Site name field (recommended)
- Slogan field (optional)
- Email address field (note: this is the address displayed in the From field of any emails generated from your site)
- Contact e-mail address or link
If using the /contact link, please refer to step 2, otherwise enter in the appropriate email address (individual or department addresses permitted) - Site Credit information field
- Default 404 field - provide the pathway to a page you create and designate as your 404
- Provide an email address for the website feedback email form by editing the webform and updating the default ‘jlhayes@ucdavisledu’ to your preferred individual or departmental email address. Navigate to Manage » Structure » Contact forms » Website feedback (Edit).
- Add your site logo or disable the default included with SiteFarm.
- Add a favicon, if desired.
- Add new users.
- Delete the Sample Article and Sample Event demo pages by navigating to Manage » All content.
- Plan main navigation bar:
- Review existing menu links and disable those you don’t need.
- Create basic pages and enable their display in the menu for new sections’ landing pages or create manual links for external site destinations.
- Decide on menu style (default drop-down, single link, mega menu).
- Enable the ability to use Workflows, including saving as a Draft or unpublishing and saving to Archive. Contributors aren’t required to take the Accessibility training if Workflows for all content types is enabled.
- Configure Google Analytics, if using.
- Set your frontpage description for display in search engine results pages.
- If using the block regions, use the in-page SEO.
- If using Layout Builder, use the Front page SEO section found by navigating to Manage » Configuration » Search and Metadata section » Front page and updating the pertinent fields.
- Set up SiteImprove.