Block regions

Priority Link blocks

Introduced in SiteFarm 5.0.0, the Priority Link blocks seek to offer a way to mimic a very popular presentation of the main links on the UC Davis' home page.

The SiteFarm version includes:

Reusing your blocks

One of the powerful benefits of using a content management system like Drupal is the ability to reuse the blocks available in the service, but reusing your blocks can mean a couple different possibilities:

Placing blocks

Placing Multiple Blocks - The Block Layout Page

In instances where you have a special configuration in mind, will be attaching multiple blocks at one time, and/or defining your preferred order of blocks from top to bottom or left to right, using the Block Layout page is the recommended approach.

Sibling grids

What is the Sibling Grid?

The Sibling Grid is a very basic layout option.

Top and Bottom content regions

Please be advised that this feature can only bet set by a person with the Site Manager role.

These two regions, located above and below the Content region respectively, can be configured to output more complex, custom layouts.