
New feature request tool in SiteFarm

One of the things we love about working with all of you is your interest in seeing SiteFarm improve and grow. Many of you have offered ideas that have been instrumental to our development path and overall vision for the future. We want to make it even easier for you to get involved. Welcome to

Changelog SiteFarm 6.0.0 Released

This latest release of SiteFarm 6.0.0 comes with several high-impact updates and features to create added value for your sites, including Google Custom Search and the UC System's SiteImprove plugin for improving SEO, content quality, and accessibility compliance.

Changelog 5.3.0 Released [Updated]

Our latest change, released just this past weekend, is an important infrastructure update designed to improve server and caching performance. It's not only a system update with important benefits, but it's also an update that can have a noticeable effect on how your site updates depending on where you've been doing your edits to this point.

10 Things to make your BADCamp rock!

Are you attending BADCamp 2018 this year? We hope you are! But if you're new to the event or haven't attended in a while, here are some suggestions from the event organizers to help make your experience more comfortable and enjoyable.

"How do I add a banner image to my news or blog page?"

The short answer? You don't. Views are intended to be lists of other content and don't have a built-in mechanism for displaying a top banner as the Basic page does. That said, it's still possible, but it comes with its own set of pros and cons.

Change log 5.1.0 and 5.2.0, and near future

This past Sunday we released a minor upgrade and series of patches to the Service, with an emergency patch of 5.2.0. The details of those updates, along with a list of items we're hoping to include in a future release, follow.

"Can I create a link to a file I've uploaded?"

While we wait for the Drupal community's Media Library Initiative to become available and stable for our use—new functionality that will let everyone upload and reuse files and other media more easily—we have a few steps for you if you want to link to the files you upload, whether it's a PDF, Office document, or other eligible file types.

Planning a SiteFarm Project: The Webdev Way

In case you've ever considered asking for some help with a paid project for your SiteFarm site, our team designer, Anthony Horn, has assembled a presentation outlining the steps and what's involved to help prepare you for the process, including with links to templates.

The impact of file size caps

"All I did was edit my page—I didn't touch the original image" While we've always advocated for properly optimizing images for the web, it's only since we instated a consistent limit of 3MB file sizes for every attachment region in SiteFarm that the impact of that change in our 5.0.0 release has brought to light how that truly affects our users and their sites. Maybe this has impacted you or maybe you haven't come across it yet, but let's take a look at how you can review your site's files to identify and replace culprits before they become a real problem.