
Color Theme Palettes

Please note this feature is in development. The team will be working to roll out new options over time to ensure quality of presentation and a cohesive feel.

 Not everyone is into the rainbow band on the top of pages. We get that.

UC Davis wordmark position

In some cases your own department logo may contain the 'UC Davis' text as part of your official wordmark. Visually, this may create redundancy given that the default position for the UC Davis logo link appears in the upper lefthand corner of the SiteFarm site template right above your logo. You have the option to change the position of the UC Davis wordmark from the left corner to the right corner.

Metatag configuration

Configure global meta tag default values using your site's global Metatag information. Meta tags inherit from one level to the next unless they are overridden. To view a summary of the meta tags and the inheritance for a specific configuration, click on its name in the Type list provided in the Metatag section.

Fix 404 Pages

The Fix 404 pages option is different than designating a 404 error page for your site. This feature lets you know what people have tried to navigate to directly but received an error page. Either a search engine has an older link still in its index that people are clicking on or a visitor has a bookmark that is out of date. In both cases, you want to make their experience of being taken to the correct location as quick and seamless as possible.

Internal Redirects

Updated - When creating redirects, please do not redirect images, especially if found listed in the 404 list and/or begin with the pathway "sites/g".

Frontpage SEO

What is SEO?

SEO is an acronym that stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of trying to ensure search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and others can make use of specific words and phrases relevant to your site--that you define--to improve people's likelihood of finding your site when they search on those terms.

Honeypot Configuration

What is a Honeypot?

Honeypot is an anti-spam technique that uses a field hidden from humans through design options in Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) but remains visible to bots and spammers. By virtue of these annoyances’ programming, they will attempt to fill in every single field they can find in a web form. When it completes the hidden field, the Honeypot programming recognizes it as a fake submission and prevents the data from being captured, thus protecting the valid data submitted by human beings. 

Date and Time Formats

Date and time information is used throughout your content, but it may be showing too much or too little information for your taste. You have the ability to modify the format for your site at a site-wide level.

Regional Settings

Regional settings for your site include:

  • Locale:
    • Default country
    • First day of week
  • Time zones
    • Default time zone

While all of these settings are available to you for modification, they are set on your behalf at the time your site is created. The default settings are: