
Validation patterns

Advanced Webform users may want to consider ways to force certain types of validation that aren't available by default in the feature, but can be accomplished using what are called 'regular expressions' or a 'regex'.

Definition: A regular expression or regex can be described as a special text string for defining a search pattern.

Honeypot Security

From Drupal.org:

Honeypot form protection

Honeypot form protection means that an invisible field is added to a form. If this invisible field is filled out (bots will usually put in a value), then the form will return an error. Normal users (read: human beings) won't ever see the field, so they won't fill it out. Even if they do, the field is labeled in such a way as to indicate the human shouldn't fill out the field.

Enabling the Webforms Example module

The Webforms Example module will add a collection of pre-created webforms to illustrate different aspects and usages of the Webform system. This ranges from displaying all the different types of fields you can create to sample forms for you to explore.

Understanding Web Forms

Users with the Editor and Site manager roles have the ability to create web forms that collect visitor-provided data and, either via email or through your site's database, allow for an export of the collected information. Contact Us forms are a separate offering, specifically intended for visitors to send a brief note containing feedback or a question.