Changelog SiteFarm Release 8.0.0
The SiteFarm team's most recent development cycle is complete and the slate of new features, updates, patches, and bug fixes will be available on Monday, May 18, 2020. The latest update contains several items requested by members of our user community and we thank you again for your interest in being a collaborative partner in our improvement process.
If any of these changes fail to display/work for you, please clear both your browser's cache/history and your site's cache. Please report any issues to sitefarm@ucdavis.edu.
Feature Updates and Additions
- Advanced Access Content Control - Site Managers will now have a way to restrict what content their users can edit, either by role or by specific user account. With the introduction of a new module-specific role, Section Editor, we have also updated the Matrix of Roles and Permissions. Documentation
- Node View Permissions - Site Builders can now create custom content types and restrict user access via the Permissions panel. Documentation
- View Data Export - Site Managers can now export View content to a different file format, including CSV, XSL, and JSON. Documentation
- ORCID added to Person content types - In response to a feature request from users, we're incorporating a field that integrates with the third-party platform ORCID. If you're not familiar with this service;
ORCID is part of the wider digital infrastructure needed for researchers to share information on a global scale. We enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and affiliations by providing an identifier for individuals to use with their name as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.
See the documentation in the Person page fields below for more. - Person page fields - New fields have been added for courses taught, honors and awards, and publications. The Titles field has been modified to allow more than one Title. Documentation
- 404 Footer Navigation - We have updated the navigation pager used at the bottom of the 404-page list to the full pager style to make navigating easier and give you a better sense of how many pages you have in your list.
- Facebook Pixel via Google Tag Manager - Site Managers who want to use Facebook Pixel have the means to do so through our already available Google Tag Manager. Documentation
- Role tracking prevented in Google Analytics - we have updated SiteFarm's Google Analytics settings in all sites to prevent activity by your users (Contributors, Editors, Site Managers, Site Builders) from being tracked by Google and instead restrict it to only your site visitor activity. Read more on Tracking Drupal Roles
- CAS ID token support - [cas:username] is now an available site token to grab CAS authenticated user information for use in your site, most particularly webforms to automatically pre-populate field content. Pre-populate a field with the submitter's CAS ID
- Updated to Drupal 8.8
- Accessibility and color-contrast fixes
Updates on Future Releases
- Media Library - The new media library functionality is currently under development and is estimated to be released in mid- to late summer. The original intent was to include it in this release, but due to its complexity, we decided to push all the other items ready for release as soon as possible and make the Media suite its own update. When it is released, you will see a couple of icon changes in your WYSIWYG bars, and the links to page types' primary image attachment sections will have a new look. The library itself will have its own new user interface and give you the chance to upload and reuse image media. File documents, like PDFS and such, will still be handled in the fashion you're familiar with now.
- SiteFarm Share Server - Based on feedback from our user community, the team looked into and began development on a new custom module called SiteFarm Share Server. Its purpose is to allow you to designate a site as a source/server in order to share its content with other sites (target/clients) under your jurisdiction. Unfortunately, the underlying module contributed from the Drupal community is still in Alpha as of this writing, and presented too many bugs and conflicts with existing SiteFarm functionality to be a reliable solution. We're keeping our developed code base on hand while we await a stable version of the Entity Share module.
Bug Fixes & Workarounds
- Bulk account fix for malformed email entries - Previous to this update, when Site Managers would create new accounts in bulk, it would base the account information off the Kerberos ID provided but would insert the email address as: "personid@ " and leave out the "ucdavis.edu". The fix we've implemented will grab and insert the email address provided that the Kerberos ID is correct. If it isn't, the original issue of a malformed email address will persist.
- Feedback button for Pendo.io feature requests - the button visible to Site Managers has been updated to reflect the name change from Receptive.io to Pendo.io. If you users don't have an account, the feature will now direct you to an account request form so you can submit your ideas to improve SiteFarm.
- Meta tags work with LinkedIn images - After reports of article images not displaying in the Facebook and LinkedIn platforms, we updated our meta tag configurations to work with OpenGraph requirements and images now display as expected.
- Social Media Links Email Link field fixed - Users reported receiving a "Temporarily Unavailable" screen after entering an email address and saving. This field will function correctly with this update.
- Webform fieldsets and select menu options break out the side margin - This behavior isn't exactly a bug, but it's definitely not the desired outcome. We have a blog post with recommendations from Mark on how to address these issues in a surgical manner on a webform-by-webform basis. Blog
- Follow us social media icons display now in Windows 10/11