The CourseLeaf catalog blocks are a collection of four individual blocks that pull information from the UC Davis General Catalog into your site, allowing you to show relevant course, program, and departmental information from the original source without needing to maintain it.
CourseLeaf blocks
You have four blocks available in this new system:
We've had a few enterprising users ask how the Horticulture site put together their Block Chain icon grid presented on their site's homepage. Take ten minutes to watch Carson Black, senior developer, give a video overview of how this was created for the department by the Web Development team.
Introduced in SiteFarm 5.0.0, the Priority Link blocks seek to offer a way to mimic a very popular presentation of the main links on the UC Davis' home page.
If you've been working with SiteFarm's various page types for a little while, you probably noticed that certain content types, like Article and Events, allow you to relate content through a Category taxonomy. It may have occurred to you that it would be great to relate content in a similar way even if it doesn't have access to the Category system.
Instead, what we have to offer you, is a system block called Content related by Tags.
The Webform block is a system block (View) that creates a container you can assign to a page region and then select an existing webform to display within that container.
There you are, building your site, and you come across a page where there's a noticeable space either before or after your main content in the First or Second Sidebar region.
What's going on here? And, more importantly; how do you fix it?
One of the powerful benefits of using a content management system like Drupal is the ability to reuse the blocks available in the service, but reusing your blocks can mean a couple different possibilities:
The UC Credits block is a system block (View) that will display information in the footer of your site based on the configuration options you choose to include. This block is designed to satisfy Campus policy 310-70.
Users can configure the following options to display or not: