CKEditor Enhancements Coming

A bundle of joy is coming your way! A feature request for the ability to highlight text has resulted in the addition of a plug-in bundle that addresses multiple requests. Read on to learn what's coming in our September 13th deployment.

Paragraphs and Styles

In CKEditor5 the icon bar separates semantic headings and visual styles into the Paragraph menu and Styles menu. These can be used independently of each other depending on which type of text you want to affect.

The Paragraph Menu

Paragraph includes all text headings from normal paragraph text, and Headings 2-6, which are intended to be used semantically to indicate nested levels of headings. 

Changelog SiteFarm 6.0.0 Released

This latest release of SiteFarm 6.0.0 comes with several high-impact updates and features to create added value for your sites, including Google Custom Search and the UC System's SiteImprove plugin for improving SEO, content quality, and accessibility compliance.

Special Characters

Sub- and Superscript

Subscript and superscript formats are available from your WYSIWYG's Text Extras menu.



To apply either format:

  1. Type in the text to appear as sub- or superscript.
  2. Highlight the target text.
  3. Click the appropriate subscript icon or superscript icon .


Upload, embed, and link to files into your page content

The system allows you to embed files into your text in two different ways; through the Media Library or through the Insert File icon. Ideally, you should only be using the Insert Media icon, but here's an outline as to why:

Feature Box

Updated - The Feature Box documentation now includes a sidebar with link to the blog post "When I try to edit my page, the WYSIWYG is blank". This is the fix solution if an image was inserted in a Feature Box prior to the CKEditor 5 upgrade.

Insert Pull Quotes

You have the ability to emphasize portions of your text content by styling it as a block quote or pull quote.