Delete a site

If you no longer require a website that you administer, you can delete the website from Acquia Cloud Site Factory.

Things to consider

  • Deleting a website is permanent and cannot be undone.
  • Deleting your website does not delete your account or your Site Factory user accounts.
  • If you want to save a copy of the website for later use, back-up the website before you delete it.
  • If you delete a website, you cannot reuse its name for a website in the same Acquia Cloud Site Factory subscription.

Deleting a website

To permanently delete your website from Acquia Cloud Site Factory:

  1. Log in to the Factory interface, find the website that you want to delete, and then open its actions menu.
  2. Click Delete site.
    Delete site using the submenu
  3. To confirm that you want to delete the website, click Delete site.
    Acquia Cloud Site Factory sends you an email to continue the site deletion process. If the email doesn't arrive, make sure to check your spam or junk filter.
  4. View the email regarding the website deletion, and follow its instructions to permanently delete your website.

The website is no longer on Acquia Cloud Site Factory, and visitors who attempt to visit the website will receive a page not found error message.

You can now create a new, different website that uses a new name different from the name of the deleted website.