Layout Builder

Swap an existing homepage for one using Layout Builder

With the advent of Layout Builder as a means of creating easy, robust, well-designed pages, it understandable users will immediately look to how to use this for their site's homepage. But, as you'll quickly discover, the homepage provided out-of-the-box doesn't permit the use of Layout Builder since it's not a "regular" page; it solely relies on global blocks to build its content. The good news is that this is an easy change and only requires the person to have the Site Manager role to accomplish it.

Understanding layout options in SiteFarm

It has always been the case that users are encouraged to make their pages and sites as simple or as complex as they need them to be. SiteFarm's flexibility and built-in features mean that large and small sites, new users and experienced developers, have the means to create good looking pages according to their needs and skill levels, and always with room to grow.

Regions Override

What is Regions Override

Regions Override, available from the upper right corner of your admin panel on all page types or under Edit » Additional Options » Page Layout panel, gives you the ability to strip out pre-configured page regions on a page-by-page basis. Removing certain regions can be beneficial especially if using Layout Builder or wishing to take advantage of all available space when presenting output from a View, all without having to implement any subtheming to achieve the same effect.


In-line Block Configuration

As mentioned in the comparison of Layout Builder in-line blocks versus global blocks, the in-line blocks also differ in that you deal with the block's configuration directly on the page through its own unique submenu.

In the screenshot shown to the right, you can see that, once the pen icon has been clicked, a submenu specific to in-line block displays showing the available options.