Migration Tools Launched!
The long-awaited migration tools for transitioning from Cascade to SiteFarm are finally here!
To help you get a strong start and make a thoughtful, organized migration, we’ve created a series of articles for you to read. The information has been designed with the helpful assistance of your colleagues who have participated in the beta migration early testing group.
- Cascade Migration Checklist for Cascade Users - This is the overview of the process, from signing up (if you haven't already) to preparing your content, to performing your migration. Please note: migration tools are not enabled by default in a SiteFarm site. During your sign-up, the form will ask you if you would like the migration services enabled. Alternately, if you already have a SiteFarm site and you've been waiting for us to make the tools available, drop us an email to request the Cascade migration module be enabled for your use.
- Cascade Pre-Migration Strategies - Key document. Lists multiple areas you should consider before, during, and after your migration. It also includes a list of items that are migrated and the likely state they're in when you have them in SiteFarm. Please recognize that this is not a plug 'n' play migration; work will be required on your part to prepare your site and its presentation in order to go live.
- Migrating a Site from Cascade - How-to write-up. This page has the step-by-step instructions showing you how to migrate your site into SiteFarm.
- Migration Management Actions - Once a migration batch list exists, the management actions will help you with importing, rolling back, updating an existing migration, reset the migration if it gets "stuck", and deleting the migration batch list when you no longer need it.
- Cascade Post-Migration Site Configuration - Suggestions for areas to fix or focus on for optimal performance post-migration. A big change from Cascade to SiteFarm will be understanding that there is no longer a folder structure in SiteFarm like you're used to seeing; content is flat and all on the same level until you define the structure using the URL Pathway Settings and Navigation.
- Troubleshooting Your Migrations - We've tried to make the process as seamless as we can, but errors can still happen. If you receive a message and you're not sure what to do about it, check this resource first.
Take a look at a demonstration of a site migration. The video is just under twenty minutes long.